Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Import files from Microsoft Office? 2010 with stylized fonts. Turn the other

As usual, you are running Office 2010, which is a series of documents including Word, Excel and Power Point your favorite font is beautiful like no other. To make your documents look beautiful. Suggestible these fonts may come from elsewhere. Into your computer But the problem is that the other computers. No fonts you Make your files When I go to another computer that does not like your fonts. Makes the beauty of the documents that you've made it put an end to the distortion also makes document layout as a precaution. When you know you need to open the document on another computer. You should attach special fonts to your document, it will be good. Although the document to make it even bigger. But it's worth it to attach to.

How to set the font to be attached to the document are as follows.
1. Click File> Option> Save.
2. Click the box next to Embed fonts in the file list, and click OK.

Now when you save a document, Microsoft Office 2010 font of your beautiful, it is attached to the file. When taking to the air, it will no longer issue the font.
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