Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Mini Translator translation feature of Microsoft Office? 2010.

For those who have a problem with foreign languages. Which is mainly used for dictionary application for general use, which is not convenient to use. The program is open to hold Working with Microsoft Office 2010 application switch back and forth. See the Microsoft of the issue The ease of use with small tools. For translation, called the Mini Translator, simply select the desired word translation. By removing the mouse pointer over the word. Moment, it appears more translations.

But before you use this tool, you need to enable and configure the software suite, Office 2010, first with the following steps.

1. Click on the menu Ribbon Review> Translate and select Mini Translator.
2. Translation Language Options window that match the topics you click Choose Mini Translator Language to English translations Translate to:.
3. Once selected, then click OK.

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