Change your profile picture User Account in Windows 10.
Windows 10
on 9:15:00 PM
To add an image in the User Account for active people who want to change the Windows 10, or add photos to our Account, so that is our own. Other forms as needed How to make it very simple. Well, let's see how they do it. In this example, a change in the Local Account as a local user and a Microsoft Account or an email of Microsoft has a new profile for Microsoft Account.
1. Click Start> Click the User Account of us to show off the menu, click Change account settings.
2.Your email and accounts section, click Manage my Microsoft account.
3.Then turn the page from Microsoft account, click Add a photo or for those who have and want to change it, click on the photo.
4. Click add picture
5.Select a picture your like and click open
6.Adjust the position as needed, then click on the Save button.
Now your complete .
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